How Do Astronauts Shower in Space?

You might be wondering: How do astronauts shower in space? Do they have special toilets on the International Space Station? And how do astronauts wash their clothes after they've become too dirty to wear? Fortunately, the answers to these questions aren't as complicated as you might think. Can astronauts shower in space? Despite their weightlessness, astronauts need to maintain their hygiene at all times. Because shower water is weightless, it can't flow like it does on Earth, so astronauts must make do with alternative methods. These methods include using wet towels or waterless shampoos. But, in the meantime, astronauts must focus on their work rather than on taking a shower. The International Space Station has shower systems that astronauts use to take a shower. To use them, astronauts jump into a round chamber and pull out a shower curtain. The curtain is attached to a machine that collects water droplets. It's called a Waste Collection System, or WCS, and is design...